
Favour Felix Shares Her Insights On The Vigilant Christian Youth (Must Read)


Miss Favour Felix one of the most inspiring writer of the 21st century shares an insights to her new book titled ''The Vigilant Christian Youth"

 ''The Vigilant Christian youth"
The primary focus of every believer is God and everything that pertains to him, but in some cases, you might find your self derailing from your focus; these causal agents are called DISTRACTIONS.

Distraction from God is extremely dangerous. As believers, we believe that God is our shepherd who controls our actions as his flock but when you start loosing sight of your shepherd, you start trying to lead yourself and be your own shepherd.

This does not only lead to going the wrong way, but it can lead you in the direction of trials, sins, missed opportunities and missed blessings.

When you loose sight of God (your shepherd) you start to fear and worry because it seems like you are in this alone; there is no one to watch out for you when its dark, or make way for you when you as you walk or save you when you are in danger.

A lot of things bundled up with the rapid rate at which technology advances; contribute to our deviation from God. These distractions include our hobbies, money, relationships, cell phones, television and most importantly, ourselves.

Generally speaking, humans consume more than nine tenth (9/10) of the day with technology and gadgets, and only have time to acknowledge God just when they are about to go to bed or sometimes immediately they wake up in the morning (you and I not excluded).

The prayers we say are often short and most times, these short prayers are centered at our selfish interests rather than thanksgiving for all the opportunities and privileges we receive.

By allowing other things to consume our lives, we drift away from God. Its high time we fix our eyes back on the shepherd cause hes just right there; next to you.

The devil will always be around to make you feel hopeless and helpless, remember God cannot forsake you; all it takes is your acknowledgment and total concentration on him. Satan will always find more ways to distract you, don't be afraid,

God said draw nearer to me, and Ill draw nearer to you. Especially when you pray and you get distracted; brush it up and continue, don't ever give the devil a reason to think he has won or is close to winning.

Just as his aim was to frustrate you, let your aim be to frustrate, disgrace and subdue him. Besides he believes its a free world right, you give and you take, so give him what he wants you to take.

Note: the more you focus on yourself, the more distracted you will be from the proper path. The more you know Him and commune with Him, the more the spirit will make you like him.

"The more you are like him, the more you will understand His utter sufficiency for all of lifes difficulties. And that is the only way to know real satisfaction" John MacArthur.

Do not let your devotion to God be divided, try to endure temptations, if you submit your self to God, the devil will flee from you.

It is very dangerous to take your eyes off Christ. Take the story of peter as a good example (adapted from Matthew 14:28-31).

Jesus asked peter to walk towards him upon the water, peter got down from the boat and started walking towards him, but when he saw the WIND, he lost FOCUS and started to SINK. He was filled with FEAR and shouted at Jesus for help.

Carefully breakdown the highlighted words, WIND; this was the distraction, FOCUS; was lost or changed when the distraction came, SINK; consequences of deviating from your focus which is similar to your life experiences after you have lost your focus and you begin to go down bit by bit, and FEAR; the deficit or end-product of the distraction, which remains with you.

I hope we never get to this point because trust me, fear; is one big bully you don't want to come in contact with.
As they say; its the most powerful illusion.
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